
Pakar: Prabowo Jeli Lihat Ancaman di Balik Program Baru Pemerintah

Pakar: Prabowo Jeli Lihat Ancaman di Balik Program Baru Pemerintah

Koordinator Nasional Relawan Prabowo-Gibran Digital (PRIDE) Anthony Leong menyoroti program prioritas Prabowo Subianto membangun giant sea wall atau tanggul laut raksaksa.

Dia menilai Prabowo memiliki visi yang luas mengenai urgensi pembangunan tanggul laut raksasa yang tidak hanya untuk Jakarta, tetapi juga sepanjang pesisir utara Pulau Jawa.

“Pak Prabowo melihat ancaman tidak hanya Jakarta, tetapi juga warga di sepanjang pantai utara Jawa. Ini menunjukkan kepedulian yang mendalam dari seorang pemimpin kepada rakyatnya,” kata Anthony Leong dalam keterangan tertulis yang diterima di Jakarta, Minggu (1/9/2024).




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Max Lammertink


Coming across your LinkedIn company page on linkedin.com/company/women%27s-shelter-of-central-arkansas I was surprised about how good your content is and why you don’t have more followers on the page. Your page should at least grow with 250 – 500 followers per month right? If not, you might currently not be reaching the right audience.

With Talos Growth we grow your company page on LinkedIn by liking posts from other companies and individuals that are interested in your business on behalf of your company page.

This way, you’re generating exposure and genuine followers, who are interested in your business. Of course, you define the keywords, location, and other parameters yourself.

Followers eventually turn into customers, clients, or even employees.

Would you like to use our two-week free trial to experience Talos Growth? You can directly signup at https://minuszerorecords.com/. Since I really see some potential for your page, you can use your personal code ‘women%27s-shelter-of-central-arkansas-10’ to get a 10% discount for the first 3 months.

Please let me know if you’ve questions or check out https://minuszerorecords.com/.


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Eddie Avera

Fastest Way to Build a Profitable Business!

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To Your Success,

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